Thursday, August 21, 2008
We have an "illegal" dog named Reggie. Reggie is a 92 pound Sheppard/Lab mix and the owners of the house we live in don't know we have a dog...much less a dog the size of a U-Haul truck. I got the dreaded call last night from the land lord..."We are going to stop by tomorrow afternoon to show the painter what needs to be done. Is that OK?" Of course I say fine which means mad dash to the side of the house to clean up dog poop at 9 PM in the dark! Mind you, this dog poops half his body weight every day so it's not the easiest task. Fortunately he likes to do his "business" in private so he only goes on the side of the house.
I'm considering posting signs showing people running with their kids holding bags of dog crap...ya know...similar to the ones you see on the 5 fwy when you get closer to T.J.
posted by World of Wright at 9:20 AM |