Tuesday, June 8, 2010
My dear sweet husband is a huge baseball freak.
Our kids have been at Huntington Valley Little League for 8 seasons now.
My eldest son was the starting catcher and team captain for the Edison Charger Freshman Team this season and my husband took every opportunity to name drop every chance he got.

"So do both of your boys play baseball Josh?"
"My oldest boy is a starter at Edison"

And suddenly, out of nowhere Josh becomes this super cool dream weaver. The light from heaven shines upon his face and all the world believes Josh can make their child a baseball prodigy. It's truly an amazing sight.

But like most addicts, Josh is constantly "chasing the high". Suddenly playing the Edison Baseball card wasn't enough. Oh No! Josh needed MORE!

The end of the Little League season drew near. By the end of the season EVERYONE knew about that kid Jagger who is a baseball freak of nature. The "Blond Bomber". The little surfer kid/switch hitter on the Crimson Tide. That tiny kid who grabs his crotch AND spits before each and every pitch.

It was then that Josh realized the rout to eternal bliss....

"I am running for VP of T-Ball" He shouted from the couch cushions!

Josh puts his name on the ballot and suddenly the quited anti-social husband I once knew transformed into MR. POPULAR.

We attend Stephen's Freshman Team Party and everywhere you turn there is SOMEONE coming up to encourage him in his quest for T-Ball glory and just like any other race of office his platform is the same as the rest. "It's not what you know but WHO you know". What better platform to run on than "Hi! I'm Stephen and Jagger's dad. Vote for ME!"

This should be interesting...
posted by World of Wright at 2:17 PM |


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