Friday, November 14, 2008

Last night our choir rehersal ran about 45 minutes later than usual. I sent a text message to Stephen to go hang out with his little brother after youth group ended but he had already gotten a ride home with a friend.

As I walked to over to pick up Jagger, he and the babysitter were waiting anxiously for me.

Jagger run up and threw his arms around me. Poor Jag had been crying because we had taken too long and all the other kids had already left.

It's nice to know he's still my baby boy.

posted by World of Wright at 9:50 AM |


At November 14, 2008 at 3:08 PM, Blogger Kristi said........
OH MAN! You must have had a HORRIBLE choir director last night. This post made me so sad... I'm sorry we kept you so long, but I am happy you got the big hug from Jagger!!!

At November 14, 2008 at 8:09 PM, Blogger VikingMom said........
Too bad tears were involved, but doesn't it feel good to know that you're still needed?

At November 14, 2008 at 8:45 PM, Blogger Heidi said........
I'm sorry that he was sad and anxious - but at least you got big loves out of it!

At November 14, 2008 at 8:46 PM, Blogger Don said........
Gosh, I'm so sorry....I knew we'd be going long, but apparently I hadn't communicated that well enough. I'm glad you got the hug too...I hope he was able to sleep well!!! I hear Bloomingdales has a sale on voodoo dolls of choir directors--75% off!!