Monday, November 24, 2008
Jagger spent a good part of the weekend begging me to get our tree out and start decorating.
I know I will loose some good friends for confessing this but....we use a fake tree. Since I'm the one who cleans up after the tree I get to choose between fake or real.
Usually the boys watch football in the same room I am decorating in and every year they claim they "helped" me decorate when actually they just happened to be in the same room. There was no HELPING of any kind going on. I know every year that the boys don't help because they are in protest of the evil, demonic fake tree.
This year Jagger broke from the pack and was itching to decorate. I got the tree down, he helped me straighten branches, hang ornaments, plug in lights, the whole 9 yards. The bottom half of the tree was crowded with ornaments. He would hang 3 or 4 on a single branch then I would go behind him and rearrange them so they were spaced evenly.
As we get closer to finishing I hear Jagger talking to himself. Then I realize he is pretending he is a sports announcer on ESPN. Jag starts shouting "Jagger hangs a gold one!". I can hear the crowds roar in my head. "Jagger is hanging some in the back now!"...."The Wright Family has won the tree decorating contest!!!"
I guess he was so used to watching a game while I decorated he had to improvise.
posted by World of Wright at 10:39 AM |


At November 24, 2008 at 3:16 PM, Blogger Sarah B. said........
I'm Sarah from FCCHB...we haven't met yet but we will. I also have a fake much easier and than I buy a real wreath and "smell good pinecones" and candles to make it sort of smell real. And I am embarrassed to say this but my husband is the one following me correcting how I "fluff" the fake tree....he is such a better wife than me.

At November 24, 2008 at 8:57 PM, Blogger Heidi said........
We've always had fake trees because of Kurt's asthma. Last year was our first real tree (Kurt's asthma has subsided recenlty).

It was nice having a real tree... but there are a LOT of really nice things about having a fake one too.

Hey, as long as it looks like Christmas cheer, who cares if it's real or not?