Monday, July 27, 2009
UGSFAW is in full swing which means Jagger does his best Jeff Dennis impersonation just as he did last year around this time (Jeff leads worship for the kids at UGSFAW).
Jag pulls out his guitar and sings at full volume the song of the day which happens to be "Mighty Deemer Lives" the correct lyrics are "My Redeemer Lives" but Jag insists I am wrong and he is right. Jag's impersonation of Jeff is spot on right, down to the occasional "C'mon church you can sing louder than that!"
Jag moves on to recite his Bible verse Ephesians 2:10....That's ALL he can remember is Ephesians 2:10. We bust out the Bible, he finds his verse and the words comes flooding back to mind complete with corresponding hand gestures.
We then finish with a deep conversation that goes a little something like this...
Jagger: (With my face in his hands he studies my face for a few seconds and says) "Mom, you better wax your face again"
Jagger: No really mom, I'm serious. (Looking more closely at my face now) Is that a zit on your face or what?
Jagger: You can just wax and everything else will be fine.
Me: Get to bed!
posted by World of Wright at 9:35 PM |


At July 28, 2009 at 10:07 AM, Blogger Bits from Bonnie said........
Ahhhhhh!!! Innocent and yet very painful comments from the peanut gallery!!!

At July 29, 2009 at 6:21 AM, Blogger Heidi said........
Gotta love that unfiltered honesty that we get from our kids.

At August 5, 2009 at 10:07 PM, Blogger Roxy said........
Oh man Jagger is the funniest kid ever.

Please tape his impersonation I would LOVE to see that!